Everyone of us have a desire to have a space which is designed Considering our liking, habits, the way we live our life, and the changes that we want in our surroundings. Many of us often like to admire and do something similar to others, when it comes to interior design. This doesn’t mean that you may want your space to look like an exact copy of someone else’s house or office. You may like the theme or believe that this particular interior style will be best suitable for your space. You maybe one of those people who like to follow the different trends and try something new. This blog by infinium bliss designs has something for the trend lovers. Here is our blog about trending interior design styles in the year 2022 for you.


A warm minimalist interior brings more character and comfort into a clean and functional space. Natural materials are used in this type of interior style to add warmth and interest to a room. Personal touches and soft organic shapes are used for a welcoming aspect. This design not just carries the grace of simplicity but also provides a soft and comfortable feel to a space. Neutral colours such as warm whites, beiges, creams, tropes and warm brown are best suited for this type of interior style. It has all the qualities that are needed for creating a healthy, peaceful and comfortable environment.


The maximalist interior design style is a combination of different layers of texture, prints, colours and meaningful objects. The idea behind this design is to add all the personal and essential elements to the interior design for making the space look full but not congested. This type of design gives you the freedom to display your creativity and personality. When it comes to maximalist interior style, we can say that there are almost no rules that you will be following during the designing process. This interior design can be considered as a form of self-expression where you combine your thoughts, feelings, likings and hobbies to create a design that has a personal connection to you. This design provides a more comfortable and joyful environment for you as it is specially designed considering your personality and what you like the most.


A Postmodern interior design is formed by putting mismatched elements together for the creation of a playful and extravagant look for your space. The colours that can be used for this design include bold primary colours and a mix of natural and retro shades; you can also use metallic tones. This type of style has many complex and contradicting elements to it. With a postmodern interior design, you can have a creative and clean space with a bit of a messy look. This interior design does not strive for perfection and involves the use of structural, natural, recycled and repurposed material for its formation.


Just like its name, the Japandi interior design takes its inspiration from tradition Japanese interior. In this design, Scandinavian and modern Japanese interior design are combined. The base of both designs is the minimalist design principle that focuses on warm and natural materials with muted colours. Natural light and plants are one of the key features of this interior design style. Material for a Japandi interior design includes natural fibres, handmade pottery and decor pieces with furniture that is made out of natural material. This design has a quiet, natural and modern look which feels your environment with positivity and motivation towards life.


Art deco interior style is all about self-expression, it can be extravagant as well as elegant. It is a flexible interior style with colour palettes that are one of the most widely varied among all the interior designs. Art deco interior design style has a bold and non-standard approach and it comprises geometric patterns and unusual material. There are no restrictions when it comes to the type of material and colours you could use for this interior style. Presence of art deco furniture pieces and art makes this design more luxurious and comfortable. This interior style itself is a creation of multiple art pieces combined together.


Wabi Sabi is a Japanese concept that opposes the typical rules of decoration. It is inspired by the philosophy of life which gives a message of peacefully accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay inherent in life. The design is all about finding beauty in imperfection by using the natural look and rawness of the material used for the interior design. The word Wabi represents the feeling of peace, harmony, balance, and happiness which is achieved through little things in life. Sabi represents the natural flow of time, decay, and degradation. Wabi Sabi is all about earth and nature, it is clean, cosy, and simple but still has a luxurious feel to it. The design highly involves the use of natural material and colours such as white, earthly tones and neutral colours.
So, these were the trending interior design styles in the year 2022. All the designs that are mentioned in this blog are different and unique. You can choose the best design suitable for your space according to the vision you have in mind for your space. For any professional help related to interior design you can always contact us. You can also visit our Instagram and Facebook page for more interior related content.